Foul Play Productions is an SF-based theatrical event company that combines artistry and hospitality into plays, parties, pageants, performances, presentations, haunted houses, and now film!  We've brought you the Attack of the Killer B-Movies (Clue, the Princess Bride, the Blob, the Wicker Man and more!), critically acclaimed shorts and industrial films, as well as organizing unique events like our Home Theater Experience and the OSC at the All Worlds Fair. 

Producer / Performer / Designer / Publicist

With a foundation in grass root performance art activism with the KLUBSTiTUTE KOLLECTiVE (Virgin Queen Contest, Faux Queen Pageant, etc) honed by years of underground SF theatre with Impossible Productions (CLUE, the Princess Bride, Young Frankenstein, Emperor Norton, etc) and the Dark Room, Cameron Eng has produced events and shows in the Bay Area for nearly 12 years.

Fascinated by the power of storytelling to impart history, to push boundaries and to create life-changing moments, he is devoted to teaming up with the amazing range of local artists in order to share inventive, moving and magical fables that people can bring into their daily lives.